Four Truths, One Purpose.

New Venture. New Journey.

I am excited to launch my new business, CityMatch, as the next chapter in what has been a rewarding career.  This is the culmination of everything I know, everything I’ve done and everything I love to do. It is the perfect alignment of my purpose and passion and I’m thrilled to share my vision with you.

I was an entrepreneur-in-waiting for a long time. I always knew I wanted to build a business of my own but waited until the time was right. I wanted a business that would be able to fully leverage all of my experience and knowledge along with my passions and interests. I also wanted a business that would bring meaning and joy to my everyday and would have a positive impact among those I served.  I wanted a business that would embody my values and that would honour my 4 simple truths:

Truth #1:  I love this city.

I can’t say that I always loved London. The truth is, I didn’t really think about it. It was simply the place we moved to while I went to school. Then at some undefined point as I began to build a life and became more involved and engaged, I realized that my heart was firmly planted here. I discovered that there is no other city I would rather call home.

Truth #2:  London is experiencing a renaissance.

It’s an exciting time to live and work in London, Ontario. Our city is experiencing a dramatic turnaround – a renaissance if you will. The economy is booming again. Business is growing and entrepreneurs are launching businesses and social enterprises everywhere I turn. Moreover, thanks to a new, super engaged and informed city council we are well on our way to becoming one of the best-managed cities around. We are thinking big and becoming bolder in our vision to create a truly great city.

London’s renaissance is also occurring in our already amazingly vibrant cultural and arts scene. We are quickly becoming a city for the cool kids, for awesome social innovators, and for the civically-minded who also want to build a great city. It’s becoming a community where people can thrive and create rich and meaningful lives. I want to contribute to this revitalization and help create an innovative, compassionate, progressive and open city for all.

Truth #3: London is a tough city to crack (or so they say).

Despite all of these amazing developments, the perception that London is a tough city to crack is real and pervasive . Cities compete, innovate and thrive when people can readily discover and take advantage of all its offerings - including the hidden gems and buried treasures that help make a city truly “sticky” to newcomers. There are so many great reasons to choose London beyond the amazing opportunities that exist with our great companies and institutions, but it does require effort, tremendous care and a dedicated interest to help people truly establish a sense of belonging in their new city. We can do better.

Truth #4: I want others to love this city (too).

Sounds ambitious but I love a challenge – especially when it involves a city that I am proud to call home and offers so much. This truth also speaks to my key passions for connecting people, businesses, and organizations; for building community; and for championing a vibrant London community for all.  In short, I want people to love and care about our city and I want them to be truly engaged. This is the magic-sauce behind every great city. And it’s the magic-sauce for employers wanting their employees to establish rewarding lives inside and outside the office.
I want London to thrive and to be the most open and welcoming city in Canada. I want people to fall in love with our city. 

Passion and Purpose Realized.

Turning one's passions and purpose into a profession is a dream for many but for me it’s a vibrant reality and I am excited about the future. I look forward to becoming a true ambassador to this wonderful city, to attract and retain committed, brilliant, talented people that enrich our businesses and our community. 

I will work tirelessly to make CityMatch the most trusted go-to-company for progressive and employee-centred companies who invest in their people and who want their new employees (and their families) to build rich and meaningful lives in London, Ontario.

Now let's get started. 



A City Match With A Difference